Governors Information
Governors are required to publish relevant buisness interests, attendance at meetings, date of appointment and any relationships between Governors and members of the school staff.
Schools financial benchmarking
The schools financial benchmarking service can be accessed at:
Mrs C Holding
Mrs Holding is a Foundation Governor appointed by Salford Diocese. Her term of Office runs until 27/11/2026.
Vice Chairperson
Father S Braiden
Father Shaun is an Ex-Officio Governors appointed by Salford Diocese,
Mrs A.M O'Neill
Mrs O'Neill is the Headteacher of the school and is an Ex-Officio Governor.
Foundation Governor
Mrs J Walsh
Mrs Walsh is a Foundation Governor appointed by Salford Diocese.
Her term of office ends on
23rd November 2026
Foundation Governor
Mrs L. Corban
Mrs Corban is a Foundation Governor, appointed by Salford Diocese.
Her term of office ends in November 2027
Parent Governor
Mr R. Hargreaves
Mr R. Hargreaves is a Parent Governor elected by the parents of the school. His 'Term of Office' runs until June 2028.
Parent Governor
Mrs G Wignall
Mrs Gemma Wignall is a Parent Governor elected by the parents of the school. Her 'Term of Office' runs until June 2025.
Mr J Stuttard
Mr J Stuttard is the Staff Governor elected by the staff of the school. His 'Term of Office' runs until 2026
LEA Governor
Mr J. Shannon
Mr Shannon is the LEA Governor appointed by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council. His 'Term of Office' runs until April 2025
Associate Governor
Mr M Callaghan
Mr Callaghan is an Associate Governor appointed by the Governing Body. He is the Governor for Health and Safety & E.Safety. Mr Callaghan is married to Mrs Callaghan (Assistant Headteacher)
Associate Governor
Mrs H Ashcroft
Mrs Ashcroft is Associate Governor appointed by the Governing Body. She is a Work/life balance Governor.
Mrs Ashcroft is sister-in-law to Mrs Callaghan
(Assistant Headteacher)